Data delivery

Here you will find all information for the preparation and delivery of your data.

1. General information

  • Exclusively printable PDF/X4 version 1.6 files.

  • Fonts and images embedded.

  • Images for ad marketing: 300 dpi

  • Color profiles: 
    Core: ISO Coated v2.eci
    Cover: ISO Coated v2.eci

PRINT data delivery

  • Print documents for advertisements to:

  • Print documents for advertorials, shop windows & tips to:

  • Important: For optimal color matching, a final color-consistent proof must be provided! Provided proofs are only considered to be color-consistent if they have been created with the correct output profiles and provided with a media wedge (Fogra).

 DIGITAL data delivery

2. Naming of digital data

3. Format The Red Bulletin

4. Format special editions

5. Trim advertisements

6. Product info for glued inserts / supplements / sachets / TOCs

7. Delivery of glued inserts / supplements / sachets / TOCS for The Red Bulletin

8. Kontakt